In the article, "Why Me, Why Not Me?" (September 18, 2014) written by Jalisa Starling, Starling informs her readers on the sudden tragedy that both her and her family went through at her age of 10. Starling shows this by providing grave detail upon a summer day where she was looking forward to going swimming with her cousins but also taking precaution as to how to handle her hair. This article was written in order to imply that anything can happen at any given moment in time for which you have no control under. The intended audience for Starling's article are victims who suffered tragic family losses like hers or things of that nature
After reading this personal essay, I feel confused, yet emotional. It seems like she's venting about random things and that why she's keeps jumping from topic to topic. She goes from talking about breakfast at her aunt's house to dropping her kosher dill pickle on the floor to the worst day of her life to her being legally blind. I can see why she's venting the named her personal essay "Why Me, Why Not Me?".