In article “How it Feel to be Falsely Accused” (2014) written by Josh Green. Green informs
readers about discrimination in the justice system. Green shows this by telling Clarence Harrison’s
story of how he was accused of crime in 1986 that he never committed. Green show readers Harrison
was falsely accused in order to tell the audience about his case and how Harrison’s DNA could not
possibly match that in the rape kit. Intended audience for this article will be the people who wrongly
accused of a crime and went in jail.
After reading the article, it gives me insight on how the justice will unfairly treat you with no remorse. A lot of people in this world gets wrongly convicted of certain things and i find it unfair how they cant even get a fair trial with the right evidence or accusation. I feel as if majority of our prisons are filled with people who got wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit and still have to serve the unjustified time.